Breakdown by query
Executed 2 times in 28.2ms (average = 14.1ms)
	SELECT MIN(idaction) as idaction, type, name FROM mt90_log_action WHERE ( hash = CRC32('index.html') AND name = 'index.html' AND type = '4' ) GROUP BY type, hash, name
Executed 2 times in 12.6ms (average = 6.3ms)
	SELECT visit_last_action_time, visit_first_action_time, idvisitor, idvisit, user_id, visit_exit_idaction_url, visit_exit_idaction_name, visitor_returning, visitor_days_since_first, visitor_days_since_order, visitor_count_visits, visit_goal_buyer, location_country, location_region, location_city, location_latitude, location_longitude, referer_name, referer_keyword, referer_type, idsite, visit_entry_idaction_url, visit_total_actions, visit_total_interactions, visit_total_searches, config_device_brand, config_device_model, config_device_type, visit_total_events, visit_total_time, location_ip, location_browser_lang, custom_var_k1, custom_var_v1, custom_var_k2, custom_var_v2, custom_var_k3, custom_var_v3, custom_var_k4, custom_var_v4, custom_var_k5, custom_var_v5 FROM mt90_log_visit WHERE visit_last_action_time >= '2018-10-28 00:59:55' AND visit_last_action_time <= '2018-10-28 01:59:55' AND idsite = '2' AND config_id = '
Executed 5 times in 8.9ms (average = 1.8ms)
Executed 4 times in 2.9ms (average = 0.7ms)
	SELECT option_value, option_name FROM `mt90_option` WHERE autoload = 1
Executed 2 times in 2.4ms (average = 1.2ms)
	SELECT url FROM mt90_site_url WHERE idsite = '4'
Executed 1 time in 1.2ms
	UPDATE mt90_log_visit SET idvisitor = '3
Executed 2 times in 1.1ms (average = 0.6ms)
	SELECT * FROM mt90_goal WHERE idsite IN (4) AND deleted = 0
Executed 2 times in 1.1ms (average = 0.6ms)
	INSERT INTO mt90_log_link_visit_action (idvisit, idsite, idvisitor, idaction_url, idaction_url_ref, idaction_name_ref, server_time, idpageview, interaction_position, time_spent_ref_action, idaction_name) VALUES ('448','2','3
Executed 1 time in 1ms
	SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mt90_log_link_visit_action`
Executed 1 time in 0.9ms
	SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mt90_log_visit`
Executed 1 time in 0.9ms
	INSERT INTO mt90_log_visit (idvisitor, config_id, location_ip, idsite, visit_first_action_time, visit_goal_buyer, visit_goal_converted, visit_last_action_time, visitor_days_since_first, visitor_days_since_order, visitor_returning, visitor_count_visits, visit_entry_idaction_name, visit_entry_idaction_url, visit_exit_idaction_name, visit_exit_idaction_url, visit_total_actions, visit_total_interactions, visit_total_searches, referer_keyword, referer_name, referer_type, referer_url, location_browser_lang, config_browser_engine, config_browser_name, config_browser_version, config_device_brand, config_device_model, config_device_type, config_os, config_os_version, visit_total_events, visitor_localtime, visitor_days_since_last, config_resolution, config_cookie, config_director, config_flash, config_gears, config_java, config_pdf, config_quicktime, config_realplayer, config_silverlight, config_windowsmedia, visit_total_time, location_city, location_country, location_latitude, location_longitude, location_region) VALUES ('3
Executed 1 time in 0.8ms
	UPDATE `mt90_option` SET option_value = '1540689646', autoload = '0' WHERE option_name = 'lastTrackerCronRun'
Executed 1 time in 0.7ms
	SHOW COLUMNS FROM `mt90_log_conversion`
Executed 3 times in 0.7ms (average = 0.2ms)
	SELECT option_value FROM `mt90_option` WHERE option_name = 'SitesManager_EnableSiteSpecificUserAgentExclude'
Executed 4 times in 0.7ms (average = 0.2ms)
	SELECT * FROM mt90_site WHERE idsite = '4'
Executed 3 times in 0.6ms (average = 0.2ms)
	SELECT option_value FROM `mt90_option` WHERE option_name = 'SitesManager_SearchKeywordParameters'
Executed 1 time in 0.4ms
	SELECT * FROM mt90_goal WHERE idsite IN (2) AND deleted = 0
Executed 3 times in 0.4ms (average = 0.1ms)
	SELECT option_value FROM `mt90_option` WHERE option_name = 'usercountry.location_provider'
Executed 2 times in 0.4ms (average = 0.2ms)
	SELECT login FROM mt90_access WHERE idsite = '4' AND access = 'admin'
Executed 3 times in 0.4ms (average = 0.1ms)
	SELECT option_value FROM `mt90_option` WHERE option_name = 'enableBrowserTriggerArchiving'
Executed 2 times in 0.4ms (average = 0.2ms)
	SELECT login FROM mt90_access WHERE idsite = '4' AND access = 'write'
Executed 3 times in 0.4ms (average = 0.1ms)
	SELECT option_value FROM `mt90_option` WHERE option_name = 'SitesManager_ExcludedIpsGlobal'
Executed 3 times in 0.4ms (average = 0.1ms)
	SELECT option_value FROM `mt90_option` WHERE option_name = 'PrivacyManager.useAnonymizedIpForVisitEnrichment'
Executed 3 times in 0.4ms (average = 0.1ms)
	SELECT option_value FROM `mt90_option` WHERE option_name = 'lastTrackerCronRun'
Executed 1 time in 0.4ms
	SELECT option_value FROM `mt90_option` WHERE option_name = 'referrer_spam_blacklist'
Executed 3 times in 0.4ms (average = 0.1ms)
	SELECT option_value FROM `mt90_option` WHERE option_name = 'PrivacyManager.anonymizeUserId'
Executed 3 times in 0.4ms (average = 0.1ms)
	SELECT option_value FROM `mt90_option` WHERE option_name = 'SitesManager_ExcludedQueryParameters'
Executed 3 times in 0.4ms (average = 0.1ms)
	SELECT option_value FROM `mt90_option` WHERE option_name = 'SitesManager_SearchCategoryParameters'
Executed 3 times in 0.4ms (average = 0.1ms)
	SELECT option_value FROM `mt90_option` WHERE option_name = 'PrivacyManager.ipAddressMaskLength'
Executed 3 times in 0.3ms (average = 0.1ms)
	SELECT option_value FROM `mt90_option` WHERE option_name = 'PrivacyManager.doNotTrackEnabled'
Executed 2 times in 0.3ms (average = 0.2ms)
	SELECT * FROM mt90_site WHERE idsite = '2'
Executed 3 times in 0.3ms (average = 0.1ms)
	SELECT option_value FROM `mt90_option` WHERE option_name = 'SitesManager_KeepURLFragmentsGlobal'
Executed 3 times in 0.3ms (average = 0.1ms)
	SELECT option_value FROM `mt90_option` WHERE option_name = 'PrivacyManager.anonymizeOrderId'
Executed 3 times in 0.3ms (average = 0.1ms)
	SELECT option_value FROM `mt90_option` WHERE option_name = 'PrivacyManager.ipAnonymizerEnabled'
Executed 3 times in 0.3ms (average = 0.1ms)
	SELECT option_value FROM `mt90_option` WHERE option_name = 'SitesManager_ExcludedUserAgentsGlobal'
Executed 1 time in 0.3ms
	SELECT option_value FROM `mt90_option` WHERE option_name = 'SocialDefinitions'
Executed 1 time in 0.2ms
	SELECT login FROM mt90_access WHERE idsite = '2' AND access = 'admin'
Executed 1 time in 0.2ms
	SELECT url FROM mt90_site_url WHERE idsite = '2'
Executed 1 time in 0.1ms
	SELECT login FROM mt90_access WHERE idsite = '2' AND access = 'write'
Executed 1 time in 0.1ms
	SELECT idsite, main_url as url FROM mt90_site
Executed 1 time in 0.1ms
	SELECT idsite, url FROM mt90_site_url